Thursday 9 May 2013

Backward planning for the "Where should we BEE? " project.

After doing some substantial reading of academic studies of Bees, a little scouting mission of a potential site, and setting up a potential expert audience. I started by scetching out what the academic poster would need to contain. Hopefully by the last week of this academic year, we will have academic posters with measures of the "ecological health" of Cramlington. Different classes will study Bee population, land and benthic invertebrates and algal growth.

As a department we have determined to invite parents in to see the products and drafts in mini presenatations of learning, following the success and impact of doing this in the "Physics of Project".

We have 5 sessionsof 2.5 hours  to get there, so I plotted backwards to work this out. I find it really helps focus on the essentials, on what will be learned and where some structure will be needed.

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