
My interest in the idea of sharing pedagogical purposes comes directly with the contact I have had with the Project for Enhancing Effective Learning at Monash University in Australia. Now each of these teachers were very active in establishing learning agendas with their classes. The impact they were having was inspiring. Each classroom tool can have a purpose beyond delivering content, and this needs to be shared.
I suppose the purpose of this website is collate, crystalise and open dialogues about how to increase this within classrooms. As the quote from Carl Bereiter illustrates this classroom methodology can empower our students.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Teacher Model and Academic Outcomes for the Eat Book Project

Eat 1- What makes a healthy diet
·         Name the 7 food groups
·         Identify food as our energy source.
·         Recognise that a balanced diet includes 7 components which do not have to be in equal amounts
·         Describe the role of each food group in the diet
·         Name the food tests and positive results for Starch, glucose, fats, Vitamin C and Protein.
·         Name some examples of sources from each of the food groups
·         Describe the proportions of each food group in the diet
·         Define and explain recommended daily amount.
·         Simply describe the health implications of eating too much or too little.
·         Explain the concept of energy balance and identify the links between the regulation of food intake, energy imbalance and health
·         Evaluate “meals” to how well they meet the criteria of a balanced diet?

Eat 2- What role do different nutrients have?
·          Name a range of different nutrients. (Including  examples of vitamins and minerals and the other major food groups)
·         Define a Nutrient
·         Define a symptom
·         Give examples of where/how the nutrients are used including for main food groups and examples of minerals and vitamins.
·         Define nutrient deficiency
·         provide an overview of nutrient sources in the diet
·         Analyse the impact on nutrient levels when food is cooked.
·         Describe the symptoms of deficiency  of a nutrient
·         recommendations for the general population and apply them to evaluate the adequacy of diets;
·         Discuss how nutritional requirements of humans differ with age, amount of exercise, for food intolerance, ethical choices.
·         Identify correlations in nutrient levels and disease prevalence.
·         Analyse data about foods identifying important nutrients and their health benefits.

Eat 3- How is food digested and absorbed
·         Define Digestion
·         Define an enzyme
·         Describe digestion as the breaking down of food
·         Describe how food travels around the body ( in simple terms re. the blood
·         Name three types of enzyme
·         Explain why digestion is needed re. size of molecules / absorption
·         Link enzyme type to food group and products of digestion
·         Link enzyme type to food group and products of digestion
·         Define digestion referring to molecule size and absorption
·         Identify the location of where different enzymes work
·         Define enzymes as specific
·         Use idea of diffusion to explain how food molecules are absorbed
·         Name the molecules that are produced by digestion for Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids
·         Use model to explain how enzymes break down food molecules
·         Link where the enzymes work to their optimal conditions
·         Explain why enzymes are specific

Eat4 – Digestive system
  • Define the role of the digestive system
  • Match scientific names with digestive organs on a simple diagram
·         Define a gland
  • Name and identify the organs
  • Identify where digestion ends and absorption takes place
  • Name the glands in the digestive system
  • Sequence the organs in the digestive system
  • Describe the process in each of the organs
  • Describe the adaptions of each of the organs.
  • Explain how adaptations for surface area and diffusion are

Eat 5- How can we trust the data on Food labels? How do Scientists Evaluate the quality of data?
·         Define Accurate
·         Define precise
·         Define repeatable
·         Define valid
·         Measure to  1dp
·         Say why fair test is important
·         Simply compare calculated data and the
·         Explain why Repeat until 3 similar numbers
·         Calculate error bars?

Eat6 Drawing a graph.
             Axis  are titled and labelled with the correct units (Define)
             Plots are accurate and made with a  small symbol (x) (Procedure)
             Axis drawn along lines and with a ruler, neat and careful drawing
·       A title links independent and dependent variable (Combine)
·       Average data is plotted only (Algorithm)
·       Scales are consistent and large (algorithm)
·       Independent variable on the x axis dependent upon the y axis
the two axis intersect at point called the origin with coordinates (0,0)
·       Data placed into graphs to search for patterns, seen as part of process and Tables used to compare individual data (Classify)
·       Line of Best fit drawn to represent the pattern – not dot to dot(Relate/ Analyse)
·       Lines of best accurate and represents the data (Evaluate)
·       Anomalies identified and not used in plotting (Evaluate)
·       Lines are extrapolated following the established patterns (Create)
  • Curved lines of best fit are smooth

Eat 7  Writing like a scientist – drawing a conclusion To be co-constructed from an exemplar
Below Standard
Working Towards Standard
AT Standard
Above Standard
·         The instructions are jumbled
·         Many Steps are missing
·         No title
·         No attempt at highlighting order.
·         No attempt to write in the third person.
·         Many sentences include words like I, we, our etc .
·         Some keywords are spelled incorrectly.
             The instructions are mostly  in chronological order.
             Most  relevant steps are described.
             A title is given but may not be useful.
             Bullet points, numbers  are used to show the order.
             Some of the sentence are clear
             Some instructions are written in the third person.
   Useful detail is missing
Some spelling errors .
·         The instructions are in chronological order.
·         All relevant steps are described.
·         A clear title indicates what the instructions are about.
·         Bullet points, number s or connectives are used to show the order.
·         Short clear sentences are used.
·         Written in the third person
·         Sentence in it. start with a verb.
·         Each sentence has a subject.
·         Specific helpful detail is included.
·         No spelling errors.

Eat8-  Correlations and Causation
  • Define  a cause and effect relationship
  • Define a correlation
  • Give examples of cause and effect
  • Give examples of correlation
  • Distinguish between causation and correlation?
  • Identify a correlation in nutrient intake and disease occurance?

Eat 9- Calculating energy in food
  •  Name the units that energy in food are measured in.
  • Describe a simple method of how to compare energy in food
  • Identify the independent variable
  • Identify the dependent variable
  • Compare data referring to units inferring energy in each food type
  • Name and control variables (Fair test)
  • Calculate using the formula the energy in food

Eat 10  Science Skill – Acting Ethically- Co-construct an agreement.
·         Journalists have limited time so don’t consult more than one source of info
·         Newspapers wil sensationalise articles to sell newspapers- we don’t have to!

Eat 11 Verbal Presentations- co-constructed
·         What do we learn from the Humanities one?
·         Making eye contact with the audience
·         Loud and clear
·         Emphasis on keywords and important points
·         Not reading from notes
·         Speech flows
·         All words pronounced correctly
·         Confident body language
·         Keeping to time
·         Telling the audience what you’re going to the tell me
·         Telling the audience what you have told tell

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